How to Prepare Your Dog for a New Routine

Aug 16, 2024


Back to School season means a change in routine for everyone, including your dog. Here’s how you can prepare your furry friend for the new schedule.

  1. Gradually Adjust Feeding Times:
    If your dog’s feeding schedule will change, start adjusting it gradually a few weeks before school begins. This helps them get used to the new routine without any stress.
  2. Morning Exercise:
    Ensure your dog gets enough exercise in the morning. A tired dog is a happy dog and less likely to get anxious when everyone leaves for school.
  3. Create a Safe Space:
    Set up a comfortable and safe space for your dog to relax during the day. The KLIMB is perfect for this, providing a designated spot for your dog to settle down.
  4. Use Interactive Toys:
    Keep your dog entertained with interactive toys or puzzles. This helps prevent boredom and destructive behavior while you’re away.
  5. Short Practice Sessions:
    If your dog isn’t used to being alone, start with short practice sessions. Leave them alone for a few minutes and gradually increase the time.
  6. Consistent Schedule:
    Dogs thrive on consistency. Try to keep feeding, walking, and playtimes consistent even with the new school routine.
  7. Reward Good Behavior:
    Reinforce good behavior. This ensures your dog remains well-behaved even with the changes in routine.


By preparing your dog for the new routine, you can help them adjust smoothly to the Back to School season.

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